by Jake Sponseller | Mar 19, 2015 | Cleaning, Seasonal, Spring Cleaning
Some days might not feel like it, but spring has finally arrived. After yet another harsh winter, I think we’re all ready for some much needed warm weather. It’s time to get the shorts and t-shirts out of the closet and get outside! Spring seemed to take...
by Jake Sponseller | Aug 14, 2014 | Carpet Cleaning, Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Seasonal, Window Cleaning
It’s sad to say but, unfortunately summer is almost over. It was a beautiful summer here in PA. After this past winter we were all ready for some nice warm weather. Just like year after year though, it has to come to an end. Like anybody else, the traffic in your home...
by Matthew Smith | Jan 14, 2014 | Cleaning, Seasonal
Twas January When All Through The House, It Was A Mess And There Was A Stain On The Couch! So the holidays are behind us. All the relatives have gone home, the decorations and ornaments have been carefully packed and placed in their home for the next 11 months and...