by Jake Sponseller | Jul 8, 2015 | Cleaning, Screen Cleaning, Window Cleaning
When you think of professional window cleaning, what do you think of? More than likely, you imagine someone with a ladder and a squeegee. However, like many other industries, window cleaning has made advancements and can now be performed better, faster, safer and more...
by Jake Sponseller | Mar 19, 2015 | Cleaning, Seasonal, Spring Cleaning
Some days might not feel like it, but spring has finally arrived. After yet another harsh winter, I think we’re all ready for some much needed warm weather. It’s time to get the shorts and t-shirts out of the closet and get outside! Spring seemed to take...
by Jake Sponseller | Oct 23, 2014 | Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Office Cleaning
Office cleaning and other cleaning services are essential for any business to not only look professional, but to create a healthy, safe and enjoyable work environment for you and your employees. A clean work environment can not only increase productivity but save you...
by Jake Sponseller | Oct 14, 2014 | Cleaning, Fall Cleaning, Window Cleaning
Many homeowners only get their windows cleaned once or twice a year. They usually choose to get this done during the spring and summer months. What they might not realize is, having their windows cleaned during the fall can be very beneficial to their homes. During...
by Jake Sponseller | Oct 1, 2014 | Carpet Cleaning, Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Pressure Washing
Here in South Central Pennsylvania, the leaves are starting to change and it’s getting cooler as fall draws near. Along with these weather changes we start making changes in our daily routines. We begin spending more time inside and that also means we’re...